Jul 25, 2018
Katrina Harris is a Ketovangelist Coach and has shed 198 lbs with NO cheats. She realized she had a sugar addiction and decided to give up all artificial sweeteners. Moderation does not work for an addict, and Katrina knew she was addicted.
Once she cut out sweeteners, she noticed that her hunger and cravings were...
Jul 18, 2018
Mena lost over 40 pounds and 35 inches. She managed to reverse the signs of aging, heal her body, improve her life, increase her energy levels. She has a new zest for life!
She is medication free from all the health issues she indured through many years. And she is symptom FREE!
Mena wants to help people. She wants...
Jul 3, 2018
Todd has been serial entrepreneur and creator since he was age 17.
Today, after 15 years in the wine business his life is dedicated to educating and helping people make better choices about food, nutrition, and how they think about consuming alcohol. He is the founder of Dry Farm Wines; a writer, speaker, and a...